Provias.dll: 0000150C: 16:59:43 []:EAccessViolation : Access violation at address 0D4A3AFF in module 'Provias.dll'. Read of address 00000000 : Addr: $0D4A3AFF Provias.dll: 0000150C: 17:37:22 []:EDatabaseError : Field 'MODELO' not found : Addr: $0C4B7C0B Provias.dll: 0000150C: 17:37:25 []:EDatabaseError : Field 'MODELO' not found : Addr: $0C4B7C0B Provias.dll: 0000150C: 18:00:20 []:EZDatabaseError : SQL Error: Column 'DESCNPJ' cannot be null : Addr: $0C818B66 Provias.dll: 0000150C: 18:00:49 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: Table 'cfop' was not locked with LOCK TABLES : Addr: $0C722EF3 Provias.dll: 0000150C: 18:00:53 []:EAccessViolation : Access violation at address 0D4A3AFF in module 'Provias.dll'. Read of address 00000000 : Addr: $0D4A3AFF Provias.dll: 0000150C: 18:01:01 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: Table 'cfop' was not locked with LOCK TABLES : Addr: $0C722EF3 Provias.dll: 0000150C: 18:01:11 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: Table 'usuarios' was not locked with LOCK TABLES : Addr: $0C722EF3 Provias.dll: 00002594: 18:32:22 []:EAccessViolation : Access violation at address 0D4A3AFF in module 'Provias.dll'. Read of address 00000000 : Addr: $0D4A3AFF Provias.dll: 00002594: 18:52:28 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query : Addr: $0C722EF3 Provias.dll: 000010F8: 18:52:28 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query : Addr: $0C722EF3 Provias.dll: 00002460: 18:52:28 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query : Addr: $0C722EF3 Provias.dll: 00002460: 18:52:42 []:EAccessViolation : Access violation at address 0D4A3AFF in module 'Provias.dll'. Read of address 00000000 : Addr: $0D4A3AFF Provias.dll: 00002460: 18:52:44 []:EAccessViolation : Access violation at address 0D4A3AFF in module 'Provias.dll'. Read of address 00000000 : Addr: $0D4A3AFF Provias.dll: 0000150C: 20:02:24 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query : Addr: $0C722EF3 Provias.dll: 000010E4: 20:06:14 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query : Addr: $0C722EF3 Provias.dll: 00001B60: 20:08:12 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query : Addr: $0C722EF3 Provias.dll: 000023AC: 20:15:52 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query : Addr: $0C722EF3 Provias.dll: 000027D4: 20:30:23 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query : Addr: $0C722EF3