Provias.dll: 00002014: 08:38:52 []:EDatabaseError : TbUnidades: Field 'APOLICEVIGENCIAINICIAL' not found : Addr: $1EAC7E16 Provias.dll: 00002014: 08:41:46 [Erro SQL: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and cte.TIPODOC = '001' and cte.EMISSAO >= '2020-03-02' Order by cte.TIPODOC, ct' at line 1-]:EZSQLException : Erro SQL: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and cte.TIPODOC = '001' and cte.EMISSAO >= '2020-03-02' Order by cte.TIPODOC, ct' at line 1 : Addr: $1ED4151B Provias.dll: 00002014: 08:42:36 [Erro SQL: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and cte.TIPODOC = '001' and cte.EMISSAO >= '2020-03-02' Order by cte.TIPODOC, ct' at line 1-]:EZSQLException : Erro SQL: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and cte.TIPODOC = '001' and cte.EMISSAO >= '2020-03-02' Order by cte.TIPODOC, ct' at line 1 : Addr: $1ED4151B Provias.dll: 00002014: 08:43:08 []:EDatabaseError : TbCFOP: Field 'REDUCAOBCMAQ' not found : Addr: $1EAC7E16 Provias.dll: 00002014: 08:43:42 [Erro SQL: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and cte.TIPODOC = '001' and cte.EMISSAO >= '2020-03-02' Order by cte.TIPODOC, ct' at line 1-]:EZSQLException : Erro SQL: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and cte.TIPODOC = '001' and cte.EMISSAO >= '2020-03-02' Order by cte.TIPODOC, ct' at line 1 : Addr: $1ED4151B Provias.dll: 000018B8: 08:46:50 []:Terminating ISAPI Server. Module Handle: 000000001E880000 Provias.dll: 000018B8: 08:46:50 [TUniServerModule]:Shutting Down Server. Provias.dll: 000018B8: 08:46:50 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Terminating Session manager. Provias.dll: 000018B8: 08:46:50 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Stopping Cache Eraser... Provias.dll: 000018B8: 08:46:50 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Cache Eraser Stopped. Provias.dll: 000018B8: 08:46:50 [Access violation at address 1EADC1D7 in module 'Provias.dll'. Read of address 00000000-]:EAccessViolation : Access violation at address 1EADC1D7 in module 'Provias.dll'. Read of address 00000000 : Addr: $1EADC1D7 Provias.dll: 000018B8: 08:46:50 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Destroying Worker Threads. Provias.dll: 000018B8: 08:46:50 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Session manager terminated. Provias.dll: 000018B8: 08:46:50 [TUniServerModule]:Server Shutdown Completed. Provias.dll: 000018B8: 08:46:50 []:ISAPI Server Terminated. Module Handle: 000000001E880000 Provias.dll: 000018B8: 08:46:50 []:<--------------------------------------------------------------> Provias.dll: 00000758: 09:15:08 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< Provias.dll: 00000758: 09:15:08 []:Starting Server. Module Handle: 000000000B600000 Provias.dll: 00000758: 09:15:08 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. Provias.dll: 00000758: 09:15:08 [TUniServerModule]:Erasing Cache Folder... Provias.dll: 00000758: 09:15:08 [TUniServerModule]:Cache Folder Erased. <0> Files deleted. Provias.dll: 00000758: 09:15:08 []:Server Started. Module Handle: 000000000B600000 Provias.dll: 000012E8: 18:11:43 []:Terminating ISAPI Server. Module Handle: 000000000B600000 Provias.dll: 000012E8: 18:11:43 [TUniServerModule]:Shutting Down Server. Provias.dll: 000012E8: 18:11:43 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Terminating Session manager. Provias.dll: 000012E8: 18:11:43 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Stopping Cache Eraser... Provias.dll: 000012E8: 18:11:43 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Cache Eraser Stopped. Provias.dll: 000012E8: 18:11:43 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Destroying Worker Threads. Provias.dll: 000012E8: 18:11:43 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Session manager terminated. Provias.dll: 000012E8: 18:11:43 [TUniServerModule]:Server Shutdown Completed. Provias.dll: 000012E8: 18:11:43 []:ISAPI Server Terminated. Module Handle: 000000000B600000 Provias.dll: 000012E8: 18:11:43 []:<-------------------------------------------------------------->