Provias.dll: 000009F4: 11:18:18 []:Exception : Blocking method MessageDlg() can not be called here. : Addr: $32D23265 Provias.dll: 00001548: 12:00:15 []:EArgumentOutOfRangeException : Argument out of range : Addr: $32A87F5A Provias.dll: 00001548: 12:11:28 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query : Addr: $32EACB57 Provias.dll: 00001548: 12:11:28 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: MySQL server has gone away : Addr: $32EACB57 Provias.dll: 00001548: 12:11:28 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: MySQL server has gone away : Addr: $32EACB57 Provias.dll: 00001548: 12:11:38 []:EZSQLException : SQL Error: MySQL server has gone away : Addr: $32EACB57 Provias.dll: 00000908: 12:19:09 []:Terminating ISAPI Server. Module Handle: 00000000329A0000 Provias.dll: 00000908: 12:19:09 [TUniServerModule]:Shutting Down Server. Provias.dll: 00000908: 12:19:09 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Terminating Session manager. Provias.dll: 00000908: 12:19:09 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Stopping Cache Eraser... Provias.dll: 00000908: 12:19:09 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Cache Eraser Stopped. Provias.dll: 00000908: 12:19:09 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Destroying Worker Threads. Provias.dll: 00000908: 12:19:09 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Session manager terminated. Provias.dll: 00000908: 12:19:09 [TUniServerModule]:Server Shutdown Completed. Provias.dll: 00000908: 12:19:09 []:ISAPI Server Terminated. Module Handle: 00000000329A0000 Provias.dll: 00000908: 12:19:09 []:<--------------------------------------------------------------> Provias.dll: 00001ED8: 12:21:08 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< Provias.dll: 00001ED8: 12:21:08 []:Starting Server. Module Handle: 0000000005610000 Provias.dll: 00001ED8: 12:21:08 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. Provias.dll: 00001ED8: 12:21:08 [TUniServerModule]:Start Path = C:\Apache24\htdocs\G-Equipamentos\ Provias.dll: 00001ED8: 12:21:08 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Cache erase job created, Folder count: [2] Provias.dll: 00001ED8: 12:21:08 []:Server Started. Module Handle: 0000000005610000 Provias.dll: 000019A0: 17:22:03 []:Exception : Blocking method MessageDlg() can not be called here. : Addr: $05993265